• Wired Universal In-ear Headphones - Wired Universal In-ear Headphones - Image 0 of 2
  • Wired Universal In-ear Headphones - Wired Universal In-ear Headphones - Image 1 of 2
  • Wired Universal In-ear Headphones - Wired Universal In-ear Headphones - Image 2 of 2
  • Wired Universal In-ear Headphones Wired Universal In-ear Headphones
    Wired Universal In-ear Headphones Wired Universal In-ear Headphones
  • Wired Universal In-ear Headphones Wired Universal In-ear Headphones
    Wired Universal In-ear Headphones Wired Universal In-ear Headphones
  • Wired Universal In-ear Headphones Wired Universal In-ear Headphones
    Wired Universal In-ear Headphones Wired Universal In-ear Headphones

Wired Universal In-ear Headphones


Suitable for cellphones/MPS. Can be used as disposable earphone when taking a flight.


White, Black, Blue, Pink, Orange

Price from $0.01 - $0.79

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 5000 -7999 $0.79 8000 -9999 $0.77 10000 -19999 $0.75 20000 -49999 $0.72 50000 -9999999 $0.69 10000000 + $0.01